Natural Home Remedy To Painlessly Dissolve And Pass Your Kidney Stones

Kidney Stent

Kidney stent is a hollow tube called a stent, which is specially made of soft plastic. If there is no obstruction to the free flow of urine, especially the accumulation of kidney stones, renal stents are used. It is used to relieve the obstruction and is positioned so that it lies between the bladder and kidneys. Both ends of these stents are rolled and are specially designed to remain in the urinary system for a while. One end is wound into the bladder, while the end of the coil in the other kidney. Such a structure is used to prevent the stent from moving and keep it in a fixed location. There are different movements that the body goes through every day and stents are designed to withstand them. Different types of stents are used, some may be longer and others shorter, but the main objective is the same. You can find ways to eliminate kidney stones, so you can get relief from pain.

Kidney stent procedure

If your doctor believes that a stent should be placed, must pass through a specified procedure. General anesthesia is used so that you do not feel pain during the procedure. Once you are on a general anesthesia, a cystoscope, a special type of telescope is used to get a view of the bladder and urethra. Once the doctor gets a clear idea where the stent may be placed, he carefully inserted the stent in the ureter. There are coils on both ends of the stent so that it can be wrapped around the kidneys and bladder. This enables a rapid kidney stones, so you get relief from stomach pain.

Stent removal from kidney pain

Usually, a stent is placed kidney for about six weeks, after which it is removed. However, another stent may be placed again, but this depends on the fundamental reason for introducing remains or not. If the kidney stone because the stent is inserted, and nothing is removed in six weeks, then you have to go through this procedure. However, if the reason for which the stent is placed, it is withdrawn within a certain period of time. During its removal, please contact your local or general anesthesia, so chances are taking the pain while it is less. However, there are times where people have complained of pain, but can be tolerated and the best part is the procedure does not take long. The stent is placed only when there can be complications that are discussed in the following paragraphs.

Renal stent complications

Often, people who receive kidney stents complained of kidney infection and kidney disease which is due to the presence of the stent. If a stent is placed and there are urinary tract infections, there may be up to body temperature, pain and tenderness in the bladder or kidneys or a burning sensation when urinating. In such cases, antibiotics are administered to treat the infection. Usually, the stent does not prevent normal activities, but sometimes you may feel some discomfort in the kidney area. In addition, blood can also move along the urine, especially if physical activity is tiring. You feel tired, too, more often than normally with the stent in place. Frequent urination is another problem facing most people who stents, so we must be cautious in this regard.

It is important to drink plenty of water (at least 2 liters a day), if you have a stent. Water helps reduce the risks associated with infection, but to help treat kidney stones. If there is extreme pain, you can take painkillers, but only after consulting a professional.

If you need to get a kidney stent, talk to your doctor about all the above complications, in addition to activities they can and can not be done. If there is no severe symptoms, immediately consult a doctor.


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